The ANSP project (an Academic Network at São Paulo), as determined by a decision of FAPESP's Board of Trustees, “provides the State of São Paulo research community with state of the art computer networking connectivity.”


ANSP develops and maintains the infrastructure, Internet services and data communication in general which, in conjunction with ANSP’s Technical Reserve Program, offers the education and research community in the State of São Paulo the technological means needed to access information throughout the world, to share knowledge, to develop collaborative projects and for innovation on a large scale.


The ANSP Project is run by NARA from The Medical School of the University of São Paulo and is funded by FAPESP through process 2013/11711-5




After two years of development and testing, the ANSP network, in collaboration with NCC-UNESP, officially deploys the service of issuing digital certificates to science.


After five years of administrative, scientific and operational work, ANSP (an Academic Network at São Paulo) and the NCC-UNESP network (Center for Scientific Computing at the "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" São Paulo State University) have, this December 2013, officially put into full operation the Certification Authority (CA) for computational grids in the State of São Paulo: ANSPGridCA (ANSP Grid Certification Authority).

Computational grids are distributed and interconnected data storage and processing resources, designed to meet the needs of geographically dispersed groups of users. The management of this cooperative environment involves security issues that require mechanisms for authenticating users and resources in order to establish priorities and levels of access. In academia, the architecture of grid computing has become a major tool for collaboration on large projects of national and international research.

A major advantage of this architecture is the availability of large computing resources for researchers and their acceptance into the international community of grid users. In the academic area, the security grid is regulated by GSI (Grid Security Infrastructure) which uses public key cryptography, also known as "asymmetric cryptography" as a basis for its functionality. Each user, service, and each grid server is identified by a digital certificate. The issuance of these certificates is undertaken by a Certification Authority that follows the guidelines set by IGTF (International Grid Trust Federation).

The creation of a Certification Authority in the State of São Paulo has been a longstanding demand of the scientists engaged in grid computing, who until now were obliged to obtain their certificates from authorities in the United States or Europe, via a lengthy administrative process.

The ANSPGridCA (ANSP Grid Certification Authority) was recognized by TAGPMA (The Americas Grid Policy Management Authority) in the first half of 2012, and by TACAR (TERENA Academic Certification Authority Repository) in the second half of the same year, and began to issue certificates in March 2013, initially only for GridUNESP. After nine months of testing and learning, the certificate production regime has now been opened up to the entire academic community of São Paulo.

The cryptographic security module, HSM (Hardware Security Module), which generates the cryptographic key used for signing digital certificates, is manufactured in Brazil using Brazilian technology, and it is installed in the NCC-UNESP data center, in the city of São Paulo.

Prof. Luis Fernandez Lopez, Coordinator of the ANSP network, says the goal now is to serve the entire scientific community of São Paulo: “We invite the researchers from São Paulo, requiring grid certificates, to avail themselves of the services of ANSPGridCA.”


Read more:

Links e Sites Pointing hand cursor vector.svg  The Academic Network at São Paulo (ANSP) Grid Certification Authority


Links e Sites Pointing hand cursor vector.svg The Academic Network at São Paulo (ANSP) Grid Certification Authority. "Certificate Policy and Certification Practice Statement" . v. 1.0. 18 April 2012.


Links e Sites Pointing hand cursor vector.svg  The Americas Grid Policy Management Authority (TAGPMA)


Links e Sites Pointing hand cursor vector.svg International Grid Trust Federation (IGTF)




A new edition of the ANSP newsletter has been launched, which records all the activities performed during BMA4 (the 4th Biannual Meeting of ANSP), including reports on courses, workshops and other events held by ANSP over recent years and announces BMA5!


ANSP has two periodicals: the ANSP Yearbook and the quarterly ANSP Newsletter, for which NARA (Center for Advanced Networking Applications), of the School of Medicine, University of São Paulo, is responsible.

On 9 December, 2013, ANSP launched the 7th edition of the ANSP Newsletter, a special twelve-page edition with extensive coverage of BM4 (the 4th Biannual Meeting of ANSP), held this past 29 to 31 October, in addition to other material on the activities of ANSP in recent years.

The materials on BMA4 deal with the guiding theme of the meeting: SDN – Network-Cloud Convergence. Each group meeting from the activities has its own story: Panorama of the network in São Paulo scientific projects, Academic Symposium on Network Security, Symposium on the Academic Cloud, workshop on the Status of the OpenFlow Project in São Paulo Universities, workshop on the Thematic Project - SDN, courses on OpenFlow, OpenStack and DWDM and the Padtec Demonstration of the 100 Gbps DWDM via the USP-Unicamp Kyatera link.

ANSP Newsletter No. 7 also contains a table summarizing all the courses and workshops conducted by ANSP during the years 2012 and 2013. An article on the role of social networks in publicizing ANSP’s activities explains how the use of the new media plays a significant role in strengthening relations between members of ANSP’s Ecosystem.

Finally, this newsletter carries the first announcement of BMA5 (the 5th Biannual Meeting of the ANSP), to be held on 14, 15 and 16 April 2014, the year in which ANSP will celebrate its 25th anniversary!

The ANSP Newsletter can be read in print and electronic formats, and No. 7 is now available on the ANSP and RSA sites, in Portuguese. By the end of December, it will also be available in English, on the same sites.


ANSP Newsletter No. 7. LOPEZ, Luis Fernandez (Ed.). NARA - Center for Advanced Networking Applications. School of Medicine, University of São Paulo. São Paulo: Kapulana Publicações, Dec. 2013. Quarterly. ISSN: 2318- 812X. Available at:

 Links e Sites Pointing hand cursor vector.svg http://www.ansp.br/index.php/us/ansp-newsletter

 Links e Sites Pointing hand cursor vector.svg http://rsa.ansp.br/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=75&Itemid=512&lang=us



Within the program of its fourth Biannual Meeting (BMA4), ANSP (an Academic Network at São Paulo) lays on a demonstration of the 100 Gbps DWDM network, presented by Padtec in USP's CCE.


This Tuesday, 29 October, in the course of BMA4 (ANSP’s 4th Biannual Meeting), with its guiding theme “Cloud-Network Convergence”, in addition to the lectures, courses and workshops offered in its meetings, ANSP presented the members of its ecosystem with an opportunity to attend a demonstration, arranged by the Padtec company, of a 100 Gbps DWDM optical channel system, a first for teaching and research networks in Brazil.

This demonstration of a 100 Gbps network introduces the connection, via the Kyatera network, between Unicamp (University of Campinas) and CCE-USP (the University of São Paulo’s Electronic Computing Center), totaling approximately 130 km of network.

According to Prof. Luis Fernandez Lopez, ANSP’s Project Coordinator, this first 100 Gbps DWDM on the Kyatera network, in addition to demonstrating Padtec’s capacity for innovation, encourages and facilitates the activities of Brazilian teaching and research networks and further consolidates the ANSP-Padtec academic-business partnership

“An important achievement of Brazilian engineering that ranks alongside the most sophisticated in the world. The cooperative work between University, Research Center (CPqD) and industry represents a result of extreme technological and market relevance,” the President of Padtec, Solomon Jorge Pereira, underlined.

The ANSP Biannual Meetings (BMAs) are now recognized by the research and innovation communities as receptive spaces to communications researchers and professionals for the presentation of concepts, equipment, reports of projects and development proposals in the area of ​​networks, and today’s demonstration strengthens this spirit of stimulating and disseminating new ideas, experiences and advances in science and technology.

Links e Sites Pointing hand cursor vector.svg http://rsa.ansp.br/index.php?lang=us

Links e Sites Pointing hand cursor vector.svg http://www.padtec.com



For the fourth time, ANSP will organize a biannual event to discuss topics of interest to participants in its ecosystem - the BMA4 - next October in São Paulo, with the guiding theme "Network-Cloud Convergence".


The biannual meetings of the ANSP, the BMAs, have become established as part of the agenda of researchers, professionals and equipment vendors with interests related to the area of ​​communication networks. All activities of BMAs are publicized via their social networks - Twitter and FanPage, in real time.

ANSP’s 4th Biannual Meeting  (BMA4) on 29, 30 and 31 October 2013, at the Faculty of Medicine of the USP’s Pinheiros campus, São Paulo, SP, will offer oral, written and recorded presentations, in addition to courses and workshops taught by teachers and other professionals with proven merit in the academic and business environments.

In its biannual meetings, ANSP, in addition to organizing activities, has the opportunity to listen to the attendees, their doubts, criticisms and suggestions, so that each new meeting is better able to meet the expectations of the ANSP Ecosystem. The guiding theme is "Network-Cloud Convergence" and its implications for education and research institutions in the State of São Paulo, to discuss issues of interest to the community, such as protocols of the virtualization of slices, the integration and scalability of virtualized systems and the governance new networks.

Registration for the meeting is now open. Follow the schedule on the website of BMA.



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